Saturday, January 21, 2006

About Me

Um, I'm in Hong Kong, finishing up a management internship. It's been quite the ride, other than the fact that I've been getting my ass kicked quite hard and getting paid quite next to nothing. Moving on to writing a thesis that hopefully will move me up from the level of "you're a big idiot" to "you're a slight idiot." After that, I'll be back on April 10th. I am trying to get an internship in DC for this summer. Who the hell knows where life will take me. (TELL ME!) As long as I'm not a burden to the world and that I am being an asset to the society by doing something meaningful, I'm golden. Just trying to take a one step at a time without thinking too much.

I'm just a girl who loves smiling and laughing - can guarantee you'll have fun around me. Still a kid at heart. Outgoing. Open-minded (try my hardest). Love being spontaneous. Enjoy learning. You'll always see me singing and dancing around. Soo easily amused, coz I love to appreciate the little things. Love family and friends. A total klutz, but I'm comfortable with it ... I allot myself at least 5 minutes each day for embarrassing moments. A philosopher at heart, as I love to wonder about the "big picture." A Pisces. Love languages. Been trying to learn French on my own and have become obsessed. Will be at least proficient at at least 3 other languages before I die. Love to do good and believe in the good of the world. An eternal optimist. Not religious, but spiritual and philosophical. Enjoy life. 2 chapters into a book I'm writing, still untitled and has come to a long break. A procrastinator, but try hard not to be a flake (I DO NOT LIKE FLAKES, just so you know). Wish to go to Africa one day - and the whole world, in fact. Somewhat of an existentialist, yet a bit anal retentive. Love to be in a drama production, but hate drama in real life. Speaking of drama, dreaming of being in a Broadway production one fine day.

I like teacup sets and tea pots. I like going on dates with myself. I love coffee shops that never give you the pressure of having to leave; I can sit and read all day long. When I'm by myself at a restaurant, I like to sit in the corner next to the window. I love pasta. Jeopardy rip-off calendars are so much fun. I love looking at collections of photography or compilations of ads from around the world at bookstores because those books are usually too expensive for me. National Geographic is absolutely amazing, and so is PBS. My homepage is set to, but the first thing I look at is MySpace and Facebook, then MSN and AIM when I get on the internet. Taking pictures and writing makes me feel like I'm communicating with myself.