Sunday, September 28, 2008

As Wrong As We Are

As I reconstruct and reconsider my own life and foundation, so is the greater society.

Today, we live in one of the most trying times in history -- not because of war, not because violent attacks, not even because of questions about our decisions -- but because this is a time that asks us to steady our hearts, our conviction, and asks us to redefine our stance. Who are we individually and collectively? What does our surroundings mean to us? Where will we go? Where does our heart lie and what does it say?

Every little bit counts.

My life is but a microscopic view of it.

All we need to do is to REMEMBER who we are and hold on to it tight because being true to that is our only protection.
The pain will not go away, but being true will keep our feet where they belong.

With this in mind, I am sending what's left of my love and compassion out to the universe -- even those that have hurt me and wronged me -- to let them know that we're in this together.