Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Feeling Like Being in Love

I just had the best day in a long long while!

The sun was shining, the people were nice, the whole grad school prospect is looking GOOD, good friend's company, inspiring seminar, knowing my direction, being proactive, making new friends, smiling, talking, learning, sushi, new favorite cafe, new apartment for this summer, confidence, hope ....

The only thing is that I didn't get to hang out with someone I wanted to hang out with at the end of the day. Hey, but nothing can ever be perfect. Gotta leave some part to the future so that you have something to look forward to. This guys ... just (re)met him a few days ago (supposedly met him years ago, but I have absolutely no recollection of that), and he turns out to be an interesting guy: kinda crazy, kinda fun, musical, nice, easy to talk to ... right up my alley. Gotta love people like that. MUST make another effort to hang out with him again.

So next on the agenda would be financial aid and studying for the GRE, and then getting registered for classes!! I'm so so so stoked, you have no idea. This program really blends my BA background with the real world so well, and is so relevant to what I want to do in the future. And the learning atmosphere is just great.

Wow. This is must be how being in love feels like. hahaha!

Oh, life is going to be good.

(Thank God or the guiding spirit of mine or whatever it is that I am here, happy, after at least a hard year of 2005.)

(By the way, I woke up this morning, did some stuff, turned open the blinds, and I saw a black cat walking on my driveway. Then I thought to myself, "It's either gonna be a reeeeaally bad day, or a grrrreat day." Well, it turned out to be an exceptionally great day. Funny, eh?)