Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Outlook Express

Let's see.

I sent out e-mails yesterday, so I got these replies back:
1. Lyllye Parker, who informed me that the science course works for a UO credit, so I gotta sign up ASAP;
2. Lori Manson, who informed me that I can request for a petition to substitute my multicultural/American Cultures requirement;
3. Crazy Jeff, my admissions director, who will send me contacts for summer housing.

Now, I still need these replies:
1. Dennis Galvan's, to confirm where he's at with my letter of recommendation;
2. Maram Epstein, for the same reason;
3. PSU Housing, which I just randomly sent an e-mail out to. Hopefully they'll have some good news for me in terms of summer housing.

Last night, I also finished putting together my preliminary schedule from June 19th to October 13th, 2007. It looks exciting enough since it includes:
1. Lots of intense schooling (including classes at 8am and ones that last 'til 10pm and Saturdays 9am classes -- yikes!);
2. Lots of opportunities for change, learning and making new friends;
3. Time for climbing and maybe volunteering at the Mercy Corps;
4. A 3-week trip to Japan and China;
5. Smith Rock camping trip;
6. Consulting work for a REAL company;

To get there, I still need to:
1. Petition UO AC course;
2. Get through UO science course;
3. Proof of internship at International Studies Program; (all 3 for UO diploma)
4. GRE (study it, and then take it!);
5. Push for letters of recommendation to be sent ASAP; (both to get into MIM @ PSU)
7. Move out of parents' home into my own place;
8. Get a car.

Lots to do, but lots to look forward to.