Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back to You


In this box are the scrapbook I made you, various other Christmas presents I received from you, as well as the sapphire ring your parents gave me over that Christmas we spent together. I also included your towel, which you used to pack my belongings -- thank you. However, not included here are your grandmother's pearl earrings, which I left with you before I moved. I believe you still have them, so they are not included here.

The reason why I sent everything back is that I truly have no use for them. As I move on, I don't want to hang on to these sentimental things that no longer have sentimental value to me. So here they are, returned to you. Do with them as you wish. But if you are considering throwing them away, then I strongly recommend either selling them or donating them (at the bottom of the porcelain container for the ring is its original receipt, in case you are considering selling it or anything like that).

Good luck with your future endeavors.
