Oh, quite the brilliant idea, I'd say.
Now, here's an idea you should develop. It's ok. I won't ask for money if you become successful. Just name the damn thing after me. :)
People seem to have a need to centralize things -- their bills, their to-do lists, their e-mails, phone#s, etc.. Brian set his web browser to open up 5 windows for MySpace, e-mail, banking, Netflicks, and Craigslist. Microsoft has Outlook to group together daily tasks lists, contacts, mail, etc..
There really should be a software that, when you open it, the following will pop up:
- an Outlook-esque calendar and e-mail device;
- a daily inspirational/amusing quote;
- the browsers that lead to the websites you need to visit daily, like your bank or MySpace, plus one that just randomly leads you to somewhere fun;
- Headline news of the day and news from your business industry;
- Weather report, your daily fortune, dinner recipe idea for tonight;
- all your instant messenger devices (you'll sign in as 'invisible');
- a "virtual sticky note" for your thoughts and different colors for different occasions as part of your wallpaper (reminders/quotes/spark of creativity to capture).
Yes, there are substitutes, but that would require a collection of papers, sticky notes, books, computers and various browswers together. People want these things ... all at the same time. Why can't we figure out a way to put them together is my question.
Much to my chargin, it's called Google.com.
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