Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Taxes Frustrations

You know, I hate dealing with taxes.

It's bad enough that they take money from me and use it unwisely, they also make me do stupid work filling in forms that ask me questions in code language. And if I do it wrong, they are gonna come after me and say that I'm lying.

This is just a system that sets you up for failure. I mean, if you're going to take money from us, then just do it. Don't make us do a bunch of excessive work. We should be able to trust them to take money from us honorably and honestly. Those that prefer to do it themselves can elect to do it themselves. The rest of us should be able to pay (more like donate) as painlessly as possible.

And if we're supposed to do our taxes, ok, then make things as easy and clear as possible. Don't use code language or clumsy sentences that hide what idiots they are by trying to make ME feel like an idiot ... don't even try to fool me; I am NOT stupid.

If they are gonna make such a big deal out of taxes, then kids should be learning how to maneuver through this code language crap to pay their taxes/deal with the government's bullshit.