This is a thought-provoking article written by a dear friend of mine. Please read.
A question for us all
By Mark Grape
This may be one of the most difficult articles you may ever read. It is one that addresses the very nature of our being, and the way we are not being. When I look around at what is transpiring on this planet, I see a very disturbing pattern. One set in place by men of power taking advantage of the masses through greedy exploitation of our natural resources, of price gouging, lying, deception, greed, lust and self gratification. I see many of our elders living a life controlled by fear and uncertainty; wondering how they are going to afford to live, eat and survive. I see our children's future being one based upon a capitalistic societal view that limits and confines their lives to one of service to the all mighty dollar and not to their own self-discovery, their unique purpose here on earth. I see our education system turning out unconscious drones; void of all life and being trained to be of service to the financial God and its golden rule: "Those that have money rule." Greed, my family, has taken over the world. Greed is raping this planet, exploiting our natural resources and stealing the wages and livelihoods from our people. Greed is using fear as its weapon of choice.
For the past 8 years we have experienced the unconscious, arrogant, ignorant, greedy, selfish acts of a president, his cabinet and his money grubbing backers whose imprint upon this earth and its people will take years, if not decades to repair. This president and those whom he serves-which are not the majority of Americans- are feeding as greedily as they can upon the working class and on Mother Earth herself before his term comes to an end. These individuals, corporations and businesses care not for the welfare of the United States and the other countries we share this planet with. They care only for themselves while using fear and uncertainty to gain as much money as they can before his time runs out. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being taken from us as profits by the oil and gas companies justifying the price gouging upon shortages and demand instead of the truth; which is that they are a group of unconscious, egotistical, self-gratifying greed mongers who manipulate, lie, and create fear of lack to gain profits for themselves. These men and women care not for the welfare of the nation and the working people who put food on their plates, clothes on their backs or the roofs above their heads. They do not lie down at night and consider the ramifications of their actions. They care not for the outcome, for they serve only their God – money. To them, common people, the working class, are expendable and exploitable. They will feed upon us until they no longer can…
This president and his cabinet have opened the door for terrorism, hate, greed, lust and want to enter. He has sheepishly stood before us justifying the war in Iraq, the gouging taking place at the pump, blaming congress and senate for his actions and not taking responsibility for his own. He is a puppet for the greedy, a selfless hollow man who has no back bone, no true compassion and no respect. He is nothing but a pawn; a man of dishonor, arrogance, deception and lies; caring not for the welfare of our people or our nation, but for the welfare of the greedy ones who control him. He is a reflection of the many that have no understanding of love, respect, compassion or our children's future.
What has happened to us? Where are the political leaders, the corporate presidents, the industrial moguls who care for the welfare of our people and our nation? Where are the individuals who know that we are killing, raping, and destroying our natural resources for financial gain who are willing to stop this oppression and destruction? Where are the human beings who look out for the next generation to come and who see their place of power as being one of responsibility for our future generations and this world? Where are the gentle, powerful, caring people who have integrity, respect, compassion, commitment and love who care for all people, this wondrous planet and the natural world? Where is the human being that God talked about, that Jesus spoke of, that Muhammad, Ala, Buddha, and other great individuals of worth mentioned in the writings, texts and gospels? Where are the men who protect, care for, nurture and provide for; the ones who look out for our elders, our women and our children who do not take, abuse, rape, torment or kill for their own self-gratification and gain? What has happened to us?
At this moment in history we stand upon the brink of our own existence. The population of the earth is increasing logarithmically; clean drinking water an issue for many, clean air becoming a thing of the past, polluted water and toxic soil now being used to grow the very food that many consume, including us. How can it be that corporations, presidents and rulers of other countries can rape and pillage this planet; using fear, uncertainty, and propaganda as a way of keeping the masses controlled; ignorant of the truth of their own individual worth and the gifts they bring to this earth? Believe it or not, fear is in control of our people and money the ruling God. If we, as a people truly knew of our own authenticity and our true nature as children of this planet and of the Universe, we would not be serving those who are controlling the many using fear as their sword and staff. Even many of the religions still use fear as their binding agent to control and manipulate the populous.
There is a saying: "Ignorance is bliss." Well, this is not true. Ignorance is stupidity made manifest not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance, plain and simple. It is only through education that we can become enlightened and aware of our own responsibility to ourselves and to each other as family members. If we do not open up our eyes, ears and hearts to the transpirings which bombard us daily we will all end up leaving this earth; even the rich, greedy, selfish, arrogant and self-righteous who wield fear as their weapon of choice.
It is up to us, those individuals who are willing to take a stand against the oppression, the ignorance and the fear that comes across the airwaves and through the media controlling those who have yet to awaken to the plight at hand to awaken and do something. It is time! We must rise up! We must take a stand against the obvious and create a new way of living, of working and of being. It is up to us, the few, the many, to bring to light the knowledge that resides within. It is time to stop and reassess our choices on an individual, communal, societal and national level. It is time to change our education system; to embrace our children's differences and to birth the knowledge they carry and to open up our hearts and eyes to the atrocities taking place around us. We must unite with love as our fuel source; driving change and fueling the birth of freedom from tyranny, oppression, hate, greed, want and lust. We are all children of this planet and we are all responsible for the outcome; an outcome that affirms that if we do nothing, we shall inherit the same…nothing.