Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let Me Teach You How to Treat Me Correctly

"No, don't make communication and personality differences your excuse for taking my presence in your life and my feelings for you for granted.

You know how you are acting? You're acting like you're the king sitting in your throne and treating me like your ward or subject, like you're somehow entitled to it. Regardless of whether this is the image you're trying to project or not, this is how you make me feel, and it's childish. Let me tell you, other than your dog, no one really likes to be treated like that. It's just going to drive people that want to care about you and love you either angry and away, or into depression.

It's time for you to take yourself out of the center of your life drama and be more empathetic to how other people are feeling. Don't be so quick and eager to judge another human being and what goes on between people. There's a lot to be said about the power of reciprocal relationships done with the right people in a balanced way. It'll at least give you a renewed sense of self-worth -- something that's intricately tied to inner-peace and lifelong fulfillment.

I know that by being empathetic and participating in reciprocal relationships, you risk losing and getting hurt -- much like you have before, and I wish that somehow I can undo some of the hurt for you because I care about you a lot. But if you don't do it, you're not giving yourself a chance at gaining something more, something unexpected.

I chose to be there for your when you were going through a tough time. You know, just as well as I know, that I didn't have to be there. It took strength to be there with you, knowing that you would run me to the ground emotionally, being the people that we are. But if I hadn't done it, I wouldn't have the opportunity to be here with you right now and all the times in between since then."