Saturday, July 15, 2006

Blahblahblahblah ... Someone Love Me!

Ok, 7: 30am. Saturday.

Just got home from Brian's house, trying to get ready for a Stats final. Yeah, well, actually, I've done all the prep I can do, so here I am ... on MySpace again.

Outside, some dude is playing on the guitar, singing on top of his lungs. He reminds me of Matchbox 20. Maybe he's good. I don't know. But he sure as hell isn't at 7:30 in the morning of my stats final.

The Saturday Farmer's Market is on today. I always have to pass it on the way to class. It usually takes about 4 and a half minutes to get to my destination, but with the festivities going on, it usually takes me twice as long.

All right. I have nothing witty to say. Sorry to have disappointed you.

Oh, and, friends, please send me something ... anything. I need some love. I'm tired, cranky, lonely, worried and definitely anxious.

k. Come back later.