Counting Totems
I recently became intrigued by animal totems.
What animals have come across in my life?
Cats have always been a great intrigue of mine. I like their movement, their cute little faces, their furry coats, their stealth, their cries ... but I don't really REALLY know why I like them. I just do.
Mice. Mice. I don't know why I intimidated, hurt and killed them or why I loved them or why exactly I felt bad for them. But maybe that's the cat in me. And I believe mice represented Sam at the time. Since then, I've stayed away and respected mice and other rodents, knowing that I could do so much damage to them.
I remember I "had" a spider. Poor little thing. I believe he knew I was trying to save it, so it jumped into an empty bottle I had. But I accidentally drowned him because there was a drop of orange juice left in that bottle. Sorry. I also had one that lived in my bathroom. I felt awkward taking showers, as he was called "Mr. Spider."
Fish. A recurring theme in my life is fish. What it means, its astrological representation, its movement.
Lately, it's been dogs. They are trying to show me that I have power to command.
Owls, bears, birds and elephants, too. I've been noticing and being attracted those. It's unusual. And I cannot forget sea creatures, like dolphins, penguins, whales, and octopus.
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