Sunday, April 6, 2008

On Men and Worth

Part of my e-mail to a friend:

Sorry sorry sorry for not getting back to you any sooner. Please trust that you are in my thoughts often. I’ve just been walking the earth in Central Oregon, so to speak. And you know, I love it. I feel that I am finally starting to live ... truly.

Your predicament is an interesting one. Now, pardon me if I am missing anything, since I haven’t read your blog yet ... I read your mail and immediately started to reply. ...

Dating is an interesting thing. There’s dating to find an interesting guy, and then there’s dating to find a life companion. And who knows? There’s probably more that I am not listing. For me, I am not ashamed to admit that I am thoroughly confused about this "game" that can have so much joy and so much pain and so much in between. How do love and intimacy relate to wealth and those earthly goods that come with it?

I am not surprised that you bring intrigue to the wealthy. After all, you are a beautiful classy gal! But you know, of all the wealthy, successful and famous men that I’ve come across, there indeed exist those that like "weak women." It is true that many men are looking for women that they can "control." But then again, their desire to have control over another human being isn’t because of their wild success and wealth or whatever; it is because of their overriding insecurities. My experience with them is that, even though they have much confidence in their career life which gave them their wealth, in their private life, they are scared shitless. They are afraid of "losing control" -- the kind of control that they don’t realize they never had to begin with. They desire the kind of emotional stability they have in their career life, but they don’t realize that it is stupid to compare love life with work life. Those are the kind of wealthy men that seek "weak women." And obviously, those are the kind of wealthy men that we don’t want to have close in our lives.

And then I have experience with a different kind of wealthy men. Those are the kind are that are in their 30s, some close to 40 and in their 40s, who have been through the ringer and understand that Love is not up to their measly little muscles and destructible will. Love is a Life Force. They’ve gone through a period of having everything but hated their lives and hated themselves, gone through a period of transformation, and came out even more successful and a better person. These strong men love and respect strong women that have a SELF. These men constantly seek to learn and seek to grow ... and they seek harmony with those that they respect. They are just waiting for someone to change their lives. They understand that diamonds fade and flowers wilt. And they also understand that heart is the one thing that lasts.

Those are the smart ones that deserve your time and effort.

You know, you don’t even need to look for hidden truths. You KNOW the truth from the lies. A wise mentor once told me that you’d know if you look with your ears, listen with your touch, process with your mind and feel with your heart ... and most of all, understand with compassion. Then, you will know what YOUR truth is. If you know yourself, you’d know your surroundings. When life takes you to a rocky bend, you KNOW you are strong enough to go through it and come out better because life already gave you strength. There is no guilt. There is no wrongs. There is no revolving door. There is only you and the path before you. Believe in all this, and any smart man, wealthy or not, will respect you.

You’re right. Live a little. ... No, actually live a lot. That’s the trick to finding the love of your life, isn’t it? :)

Much love to you!!

~ e