Wednesday, August 9, 2006

I Won't Bother You With This One

I complete him.

I complete him.

How did I ever do that without trying? How did I do that just being myself? How did it work out so that (in his words) I'm his yin and he's my yang? How did I meet someone who is good at all the things that I am not, while what I know and what I can do is all that he lacks? How did my life come together with someone else's, which eccentric colors came spilling into mine?

How is it that I am with someone who can and will show me the world I missed, just as I will show him more than the world he already knows? (he'll show me the world that's always been there but that I missed for one reason or another, mainly school; I'll show him the rest of the world he has never seen before.)


He completes me.