Tuesday, August 8, 2006

This Month's Mortgage for a Good Life

I have no time for myself. I have no time for my family and friends. I have no time for Brian.

This (not including the tens of thousands of dollars I'm paying plus interest), my friends, is the price to pay for an MIM degree, in hopes that I'll get a good job, a good career and a good life.

Wednesday (8/9):
Managerial accounting chapter 9 hw 7:30-9:30am
Study for financial accounting 9:30-11:30
Financial accounting final 12-3pm
Prep for finance exam 3-5:30
Finance exam 6-9
Managerial accounting chapter 10 hw 10-12am
Thursday (8/10):
Managerial accounting exam 7-10am
Econ 10:30-12:30
Finance make-up exam 1-3pm
I think I'm FREE from 3-6pm
Welcoming Dinner 6-8pm (I'll be taking pictures for my job)
Friday (8/11):
Portland Photo Shoot 7-9am or Sleep In
Pack for camping trip 10-1 (INSIGHT SEATTLE TEST!)
Deal with financial aid 1-3pm
There's gotta be some free time in between ....
MIM Graduation Night 7pm @ Pittock House (baby, you wanna come?)
Saturday (8/12) - Tuesday (8/15):
Get picked up by Scott from Tigard
9am leave to go camping in Bend, coming back at 7pm (I'm gonna be so exhausted, I don't even know if I want to go anymore. I want to spend time with people that matter to me. But I know I HAVE to go.)
Wednesday (8/16) - Saturday (8/19):
Prepare a binder/notebook for Orientation in the morning
Take pictures for Student Life
Orientation everyday 8-5pm, except Wednesday starting at 1
Orientation dinner 6-8pm (more photos)
Sunday (8/20):
Can I have some PEACE AND QUIET!??
Monday (8/21):
MIM starts

Oh man.
My back and shoulders are hurting.

And I need to get back into climbing.