Thursday, August 10, 2006

Real Production

Wednesday (8/9):

Managerial accounting ch. 9 and 10 hw all morning ..... DONE
Prep for finance exam now-5 (study group) ..... DONE
Finance Make Up Test ..... DONE
Finance exam 6-9 ..... DONE
Thursday (8/10):
Study for Financial accounting exam 7-10am ..... DONE
Econ 10:30-12:30 (get eval forms from office) ..... DONE
Financial accounting exam ..... DONE
Insight Seattle Test ..... DONE
Welcoming Dinner 6-8pm (registration, etc.) ..... PENDING
Sure hoping to hang out with Brian for the night (we'll see)
Friday (8/11):
Managerial accounting exam 7-10 ..... PENDING
Pack for camping trip 10-1
Deal with financial aid 1-3pm
There's gotta be some free time in between ....
MIM Graduation Night 7pm @ Pittock House (baby, you wanna come?)
Saturday (8/12) - Tuesday (8/15):
Get picked up by Scott from Tigard
9am leave to go camping in Bend, coming back at 7pm (I'm gonna be so exhausted, I don't even know if I want to go anymore. I want to spend time with people that matter to me. But I know I HAVE to go.)
Wednesday (8/16) - Saturday (8/19):
Prepare a binder/notebook for Orientation in the morning
Take pictures for Student Life
Orientation everyday 8-5pm, except Wednesday starting at 1
Orientation dinner 6-8pm (more photos)
Sunday (8/20):
Can I have some PEACE AND QUIET!??
Should consider completing my list of business vocabulary
Monday (8/21):
MIM starts