Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lack-Luster Wonder

So my roommate and his brother were downstairs trying to make a reggae song. Yes, you read me right ... a reggae song. At the end of the night, they decided to listen to a song by a girl named Jem.

Suddenly, the brother, said, "How come she sings like an American?"
"What?" I asked.
"Listen to her. She sings like she has an American accent," said Jeremy. "It's like everybody sings like Americans. Why is that? What did people sing like before the American accent?"

I proceeded on to giving my ideas after he offered his ("Well, Americans talk with a lot of dipthongs. In the time 'before American accents,' people didn't sing like that. ..."). But he cut me, off, apparently irritated because my explanation (barely even got to really explaining) didn't support what he was trying to say, which I was really fuzzy about.

What exact was he trying to say? He started explaining away, yet not to me, but to my roommate. They then started trying to "figure it out" between themselves (even citing Ozzy Osborne!!), completely ignoring me while I stood aside, bewildered: "What? Didn't I just try to contribute with at least some sort of educated guess? I'd think my two cents in classical singing, diction and some linguistics would make for good contribution that spawn intellectual discussion on a good topic. Hmm."

See this is when I feel being shut down. I don't feel sorry for myself. I just find it silly of someone to pose a legitimate question to try to find an answer, but when he doesn't understand a certain point of view or when someone disagrees, he dismisses you. Though, I didn't find it necessary for me to defend myself (against silliness? ha!); I also didn't find the need to correct him. In the end, it's he who won't learn anything. (And usually, these are the people that tell me they don't read and don't care to know what is going on in the world because they feel it's not relevant to their lives.)

So, after some discussion between themselves, they came to the conclusion of no conclusion: "I don't know." By that time, I was not as bewildered as I had been because I realized something:
sometimes, people pose intellectual conversation topics, but they are not interested in having intellectual conversations. What those people like to do is to hear themselves talk, hear other people agree with them, even at the expense of barring other people from having something valuable to say (or ignoring them), robbing the dialogue of every ounce of substance and respect. These discussions about substantial topics of wonder end up having no wonder at all.
And don't get me wrong. I LOVE silly conversations, but this isn't silly or amusing at all; it's just stupid and boring to me.

I think maybe this is the reason why I haven't found a boyfriend yet. I haven't found a guy who is boyfriend material, who I am attracted to and have a good connection with, who knows to be silly when it's good to be silly, but is also creative and interesting enough to have something to offer in conversations and has a good attitude about learning from others. (Tom's good with good conversations. Sadly, he's just not boyfriend material.) Hmm. I think I'm going to be single for a while.