Friday, August 29, 2008

McMansion-PalinBunny's First Campaign

e-Bomb's News Daily

McMansion, PalinBunny Start Campaign as Running Mates
by e-Bomb Herself
August 29, 2008 11:17am PST
Photos courtesy Google

BEND, Oregon -- SHE was the mayor of Will ... uh ... Willllsssa ... uh ... a big town of 6000 in Alaska.

HE started his long career as a senator when dinosaurs roamed.

He is the most powerful penis in the world, and she is his dynamite side-kick bunny.

Together, they are the lethal McMansion and PalinBunny!
Together, they will again reign over the rest, rally up values voters and restore faith!

Their rap sheet is long, and definitely longer than Obama-Biden's. Even though Biden has lots of foreign policy experience, McMansion and PalinBunny believe they can "take them on." Just check out their glorious foreign relations experience in Alaska:

Since Alaska is next to Russia, PalinBunny has the foreign policy experience that only Condi Rice can match. Her intimidation tactics are not to be reckoned with.

There is record of a face-off only several months ago between PalinBunny and the Putin-Medvedev duo, who attempted to take over Alaska. But they were stopped by a tough yet sultry PalinBunny, with McMansion standing behind her as strongly and as upright as his thousand-year-old spine could support.

PalinBunny Miss Willsssa ... Wissala ... Uh ... 1984

McMansion, circa 600 million BC

The duo ran away in fear, chanting the famous saying from the sages, Monty Python: "Run away! Run Away! The rabbit's dynamite!"

Dynamite, indeed.

McMansion also respects PalinBunny's unwavering faith in God. She believes that science is bogus and that God created everything, including the dinosuars that McMansion worked with many moons before.

"We are all God's children," said she. But it is unclear if the same sentiment is extended to Darwin, who, she says, is "the devil's spawn," and "God definitely trumps him."

When McMansion says he'll "follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell, PalinBunny, visibly excited to be on board, declared, "That is also where Darwin lives. I will follow Darwin to the gates of hell!" This is where her side-kick acceptance speech started to slur and made you wonder if she was ready to be nationally televised.

Watch this. I got goosebumps from PalinBunny's speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, McMansion and PalinBunny for 2008!


  1. LaineyZee said...

    Gregory commented on this morning:

    "Palin pales in comparison to Joe Biden. She pales in comparison to Barack. What she brings is experience with the oil companies and lap dog agreement with the fanatical Right. Dragging five kids up on stage brings back all my concerns with overpopulation. [...]"

  2. LaineyZee said...

    Kim had this to say on today:

    "I'm not sure what Kitty C thinks we are afraid of in the McCain/Palin ticket. That doesn't make sense. Confused is a better word. I would have been more afraid of a Romney or Pawlenty choice. Those choices actually would have made sense. Just because she has been the executive leader of the 4th smallest state for 20 months does not mean she is experienced. I mean it's Alaska, not New York or California or even Texas. The Republicans argued that Bill Clinton was not experienced enough to be President and he had been the governor of Arkansas for 12 years. Make up your mind!

    [here comes e-Bomb's favorite part] The bottom line is that being President is not about executive experience. George Bush had executive experience and he turned out to be abyssmal. Being President is about leadership and judgement. It's about being able to surround yourself with people who are knowledgeable, who can challenge your beliefs and help you fully understand the issues before making decisions. To think that a President is going to be knowledgeable about every issue they will face as President is naive. Obama's jugement in choosing Joe Biden is far more solid than McCain's judgement in choosing Palin.

    As a woman who supported Hillary Clinton, this choice does not in any way make me want to vote for McCain. I feel like he is using this woman and he is sorely underestimating the intelligence of the people who supported Hillary. I did not support Hillary because she is a women. She and I share beliefs like freedom of choice. Obviously, Palin and I do not have much in common. The vast majority of people who will be enthusiastic supporters of this choice are people who were already going to vote for McCain. "

  3. LaineyZee said...

    Palin-gate Scandal?
    Gov. Palin is embroiled in her own trooper-gate scandal up in Alaska. In short, she's accused of using her pull as governor to get her ex-brother-in-law fired as a state trooper. The brother-in-law is embroiled in an ugly divorce and custody with Palin's sister. And after his boss wouldn't fire the brother-in-law, she fired the boss. Palin originally insisted there was nothing to the story. More recently, she was forced to admit the one of her top deputies had pushed to get the guy fired.