Friday, October 7, 2005

By the way ...

My new favorite bar is Paddy's on First Ave. and Yamhill in Portland, Oregon.

A Self Reminder ...

This entry is to remind myself ...
1) not to expect things to be like the US; and
2) to keep an open mind.

* Thanks, Amanda!

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Rules of Engagement

I just refused an old co-worker when he wanted to kiss me tonight. Now, let me just comment on this.

I will announce this new policy, effective immediately:

I will not grant kisses, which are defined as being those on the lips with the expectation by the oppositing party to purge any romantic feelings, for 1) charity and/or 2) "trophy."

In laymen's terms, I will not make the following examples or scenarios related to them in broad terms as reasons to kiss anyone:
1) "Aww! I guess I will kiss him, since he wants it so much, and I can't say no or else he will feel bad," coz I WILL say no;
2) "Aww! We've known each other for so long, and we might not ever see each other again, and he's probably expecting for me to kiss him so I can't disappoint him, and he's so nice to me, so I guess I will kiss him," coz being nice to me isn't enough to "earn" a kiss or two.

Kisses are only granted for four self-evident points: 1) passion, 2) friendship/care, 3) intimacy, and/or 4) any spontaneity on my part.

Yeah, stinger, huh?

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Everybody, I Have an Important Announcement to Make ....

Just wanna say ...

1. I am determined to get out of my parents house and their (emotional) premises as soon as possible because they are such a bad influence on me. Nothing like an ice cold pail of discouragement from the parental units, I assure you. So there are a few choices: a) if I find a job in Hong Kong that offers me a living stipend, I am going to live out; b) jet over to Japan as soon as I get a placement; c) Peace Corp, like I always have wanted to; d) Teach for America, which is just as meaningful. Damn, I'm actually scared.

2. CHICAGO IS AN AMAZING MOVIE!!! I really should have seen it a long time ago, but I'm like that ... always not only 1 step, but about 25 steps behind the times. Watching this movie makes me want to take dance lessons again!!! I miss musical theatre! I want to move! I want to sing! I miss the razzle dazzle and all that jazz ... literally!

3. RENT COMES OUT ON NOVEMBER 23!!! Even though I won't be here for it, I am still going to be stoked along side with all the RENTheads all over the world!

Ok, that's all.