You ever come to a point where, just when you thought you had yourself all figured out, then one day, you realize you really don't?
Ever change so fast that you can't catch up with yourself?
Ever been hurried to grow up and feel like if you don't, you'll be left behind and get eliminated from the game ... like Survivor?
Ever feel like you made wrong decisions in the past that closed doors for you?
Ever lose touch your aspirations? Ever suspect that your aspirations aren't really yours but someone else's -- maybe your parents -- because they don't want you to make the same mistakes they did?
Ever want to halt what you're doing to make sense of it all, but don't know how?
Ever beat yourself up for not being passionate about what you're doing?
Ever think that your life is too complicated because you think too much, and wish that you could just stop thinking so that maybe happiness would come easier?
Ever feel like your life isn't colorful enough because you used your time to achieve instead of living life?
Ever feel frustrated because you don't like how things are going but you don't know what to do about it?
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