Saturday, November 11, 2006

Matter at Hand

He tested positive.

I was so mad at him and the entire situation for the past several days, but suddenly, none of it really matters anymore. After all, this isn't only about me; it's also about the love of my life.

Life is a long journey. Sooner or later, anger will fade; so will other feelings and other memories. If you choose to remember, then you cultivate it. If you choose to forget, then you let it go. There are other things in the future for this long journey of mine that I have chosen to travel with this man of my dreams. In the long run, this is but a speck of dust. The disease will just become part of a routine in our lives when we explore other things -- better or worse -- together.

I've chosen to let it go.

As far as the disease goes, well, whether I get it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. I'll take it as it comes. After all, all that matters is how the two of us feel and not anyone else.

We'll be more than fine. We'll be great.

Because we have each other.