Saturday, December 1, 2007

Greeting You That Day

I know that one day I will hear from you again. You will not be able to suppress your curiosity. You will wonder what and how I am doing while wondering about yourself. As your excuses lose their meaning, you will try to recall what had really happened to you, to the relationship that once meant something valuable to you and what happened to the someone who once loved you and defended you so fiercely -- the person you failed to appreciate and a fact you failed to understand.

You will write to me, "How are you? Haven't heard from you for a long time. I hope you're doing well. Reply if you want to."

But I will be far, far away in the vibrant world I came from when I entered yours, in my world that I have worked hard to expand and make better while you were gone, in my world that no longer includes you and no longer welcomes your existence.

Knowing you, I know that day will come, and I will be ready to greet you with the audaciousness you never had the privilege to know and the nonchallance of a mere observer. You will only be a passerby, a leaf in the wind (or something less poetic).

I will be ready this time around.