The Accountability Contract
It's 8:20pm, and I should be taking a shower. But here I am, dinkering on the computer, where I found the following blog entry by my friend, Tammy. My decision to repost this is to follow in her footsteps to think of all of you, my friends, who are going through turmoil in life. I hope the blessings and good wishes included here will be of some solace on your journey.
This is called the Accountability Contract by Lisa Steadman
I, (insert name here), being of sound mind and healed heart, promise to be a worthy keeper of my healed heart. As keeper of my healed heart, I agree to the following:
*I will never again give my heart to anyone who is undeserving of it
* I will pay attention to relationship red flags as they are revealed to me and act accordingly.
* When Im ready, I trust myself to exercise excellent judgement in selecting a suitable candidate to fall in love with (someone who is capable of loving me on the same level).
*In the meantime, I trust myself to date (when I'm ready) and to be open to the possibilities.
*I am healthy and strong enough to endure dating disappointments along the way, and I will be able to differentiate those disappointments from actual heartbreak.
*I will not let any baggage from the past affect my future relationships. In fact, I have checked all unnecessary baggage and am now traveling with nothing more than a compact backpack of lessons learned.
*I dedicate myself wholeheartedly to living and loving life as it is right now (and fixing things that no longer work so I can live and love life even more!)
*I recognize that having failed relationships in the past does not make me a failure at love.
*I am now free to welcome (at my discretion) healthy, happy, whole love to my life.
Sign here ____________________
***** I am sure that many of you are looking forward to blogs about something other than my breakup. I suppose we can both be hopeful for that. When I read this passage, I thought of my friends. Those friends, who know who they are, who are worth more than their significant other gave them. I think of you, those that had to learn to let go of people who were not beneficial for their lives. I am lucky that I don't get the opportunity to have to "walk away" or to say "no". I know that many of my friends are at odds because their heart tells them to take him/her back while the mind knows better.
I'm a little relieved, okay A LOT relieved, that he didn't love me enough to want me back. I came to a lot of realizations about loving someone. If they loved you, they wouldn't have let you go. They wouldn't have risked losing the greatest thing in their life. You were it and they chose themselves. So it's your turn...
Choose you instead.
So many of my friends are also going through this heartache. I just starting to feel myself again. I hope that you have also. The book I strongly recommend is..
"It's a breakup not a breakdown"- Lisa Steadman. I know it sounds silly but it really hits to the core of what makes breakups so difficult. The craziness you feel, the dedication that you have to give up, the social stigma of being single (and old!) and best of all, how to appreciate life for what it is-and not what you've lost.
With love and care-
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